Green planet
Forest school
An S4A Group Company

One Year of

Green Planet is 1 year old today! We are so immensely proud of what we have achieved in our first year that we thought we’d share some of our achievements and plans with you.

In 2023 we set out to establish a brand with strong environmental ethics, synonymous with child development and wellbeing, built around fun and play, and we have delivered that to the delight of hundreds of children (and their parents). In fact our tiny team has had such a massive impact on the lives of so many young people, that across the board we have exceeded all of the targets we set ourselves in the planning stages of the business. If you’d like to know a little more about our earlier days and where our journey began, click here.

Year 1 Highlights:

  • Registered with OFSTED
  • Delivered 468 School hours
  • Run 108 Afterschool club sessions
  • 1,176 Holiday club places booked
  • 200+ Trees planted
  • 30 Kilos of hot chocolate
    (plus an incalculable number of marshmallows)
  • More best days ever than you can shake a stick insect at!


The coming year will see us grow as we take on new schools and deliver in lesson time at 8 schools across Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. And 2025 will see the introduction of our adult training courses, delivering a range outdoor education programmes up to Level 3 Forest School Leader. And the growth of our consultancy services helping other educators to extend their outdoor offering to further benefit the development of their teaching staff and students.

We begin and end every day with a commitment to deliver a “Best Day Ever” to every child in our care, and in year 2 we will deliver on that promise to more children than ever.

Thank you all for your support.
The Green Planet Team